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supporters in Switzerland

Club CBR lweru

The CBR association, with its slim statutes, wants to continue to make the work started by Barbara in Muleba, Tanzania, possible in an uncomplicated manner. Fundraising is the most important thing.

In addition to raising money, personal contact with the team in Tanzania is also important.

The donations are paid in full to the "CBR Lweru" account via the Anglican Church.

The employees in Tanzania draw up a budget, which is processed by the association in Switzerland and supported depending on the financial resources. They also write a report on the work done.

Due to his professional work, Däni Grüter is in Kagera at least once a year and finds out directly about the work done and the use of the financial means.

Margrit Staffelbach, Barbara Engel, Dani Grüter



If you want to support us financially, please fill out this form and click send. We will then receive a corresponding message.
We ask that you donate to the following account

Account number: CH34 0900 0000 1541 1526 8

with the note "Donation Tanzania" .

You will hear from us.

It is helpful for us to be informed about the amount of your contribution, so that
we can create a budget and plan the work.
I am / we are willing to support the CBR Lweru association with the following amount.

The support contribution can be deducted from taxes,
when it reaches the amount of CHF 100 per year.


We thank you very much for your support.

Team Switzerland with Barbara Engel, Margrit Staffelbach and Däni Grüter

Donation for a good cause

Thank you for your intention to donate!We will contact you via email.

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