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Children with congenital and acquired disabilities are recognized members of society in the Kagera region, just like all other children.

mission statement

  • Children with disabilities have access to the medical and therapeutic treatments they need.

  • Family members and other caregivers, neighbors, teachers and officials know the causes of disabilities and how to treat them.

  • By raising public awareness, children with disabilities are treated the same as children without disabilities.

  • Children with disabilities have access to education.

  • Costs incurred by parents as a result of their children's disabilities are covered by the state.



Tanzania, a republic in East Africa, is one of the earliest settled regions on earth.

In the course of colonization, East Africa was divided. The Tanzanian mainland belonged to German East Africa until the end of the First World War. After the war, like Zanzibar before it, it went to England. In 1961 Tanzania became independent and the first president, Julius Nyerere, tried to follow the path of "self-reliance". This involves a focus on rural development rather than heavy industry development. Nyerere failed with his socialist idea, which should have brought better living conditions to the population. After all, he had eliminated illiteracy and saved his vast country from civil wars.



Kagera is located in the northwest of Tanzania, near the border to Uganda and Rwanda, about 1100 m above sea level and has a pleasant climate. There are 2 rainy seasons, from March to May and from October to December. It usually rains extensively in the morning and the day ends sunny again. It's a fertile area, except where the soil has been depleted. The main crops are coffee, tea and cotton for export and plantains, corn and beans for domestic use. There are also cassava, sugar, sweet potatoes, vegetables, rice, avocado, pineapple, mango and passion fruit. For several years, vanilla has been cultivated in Bukoba and Muleba. In addition, fishing in Lake Victoria is also of great importance. There are also animal husbandry and dairy farms, and as a result cheese, "Bukoba cheese". There are some industries processing coffee, sugar, cotton and fish.



CBR Lweru was registered on August 13, 2021 as an NGO independent from the Anglican Church of Tanzania under the name MULEBA DISABILITY RELIEF AND EMPOWERMENT (MDREO). In Tanzania this name must always be used. In Switzerland we keep CBR Lweru.

annual report

Annual Report 2021  >

Here you can read and download the current annual report of the CBR Lweru association.

Have fun immersing yourself in a distant and yet close reality.



Annual Report 2020   (open PDF)

Annual Report 2021  >

Here you can read and download the current annual report of the CBR Lweru association.

Have fun immersing yourself in a distant and yet close reality.



Annual Report 2020
(open PDF)
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