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CBR Lweru

is a project for children and young people with various disabilities in the Kagera region of Tanzania. The rural area of north-west Tanzania, near the Ugandan border, is underdeveloped compared to the other parts of the country and offers little support for people with disabilities.

CBR Lweru was established as a project of the Anglican Church, Diocese of Lweru, and is now an independent  organisation. Lweru is a word from Haya, the local language,  meaning “big white”, which stands for Lake Victoria.



Children and young people are supported with the involvement of parents, other caregivers, neighbors, teachers, village elders and regional health facilities. CBR Lweru provides aids such as special chairs, standing boards, wheelchairs or special shoes, hands out medication for epilepsy, provides school supplies and enables children who cannot live at home to stay in a special boarding school. In cooperation with the Kagondo Hospital, children with clubfoot are treated and looked after.

CBR offers parents the opportunity to exchange ideas with other affected parents at various locations every week and to get answers to questions from professionals.


Barbara Engel and Däni Grüter, as representatives of INTERTEAM Lucerne, set up this project from 2012 to 2015, together with the local employees Peredius Patrick and Concester Ezekiel. Also aboard there were six other men and women who made contact with the people in the far-flung villages.


Team Tanzania

In the meantime, CBR Lweru is well known in the region. The main person responsible on site is Peredius. Together with Concester and currently four employees in various villages, he continues to work for the disabled children in this region.


Association Switzerland

The CBR association was founded by Barbara Engel, Däni Grüter and Margrit Staffelbach. With its lean statutes, CBR wants to continue the work initiated by Barbara in Kagera, Tanzania, in an uncomplicated manner. Fundraising is the most important issue. In addition to raising money, personal contact with the team in Tanzania is also vital.

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